24 hours, Balance & Reflection
Yesterday, I got to catch up with friends and mates on YM, today YM was just on. No conversations at all. I guess in the whole big picture of things, everything tends to balance itself out.
There are rich people that aren’t happy, they are poor people that are. There are rich and happy people longing for their own children, there are children of rich people that long for their parent’s time and affection.
I subscribe to this theory that everything will eventually balance itself out and once in while I get worried. I believe I have been blessed in many ways. I believe I have been lucky, I am not mega rich but neither am I poor. I have a perfect a family as one could have. I have been blessed with a beautiful daughter. I have many wonderful friends that I can call upon in time of need. So what am I worried about??
Well, if everything is good I subconsciously worry that one day the balancing power would bring me some sort of disaster. Maybe I’m paranoid. It could be all the drugs I tool when I was younger. Who’s to say. I just hope that my blessed life will continue. God willing.