Friday, May 19, 2006

Grease The Musical

I went to watch Grease The musical on Tuesday and here is my take on it.

1. "It was just ok for me" to quote Randy Jackson of American Idol.
2. I have seen better musicals.
3. Most of the singers were decent vocally except for the dude that played Danny Zucko (John Travolta's character). His voice was not powerful enough. Nevertheless, his resume seemed really good as he has played main parts in other musicals like playing Jesus in Jesus Christ Superstar. Maybe it was an off-night.
4. Most of the Pink Ladies were a tad on the plump side. C'mon!! the original Pink Ladies were slim girls.
5. They should not allow small kids to watch. Some were noisy and 'spoiling' the show.

All in all it was only a 6/10 for me. Riverdance (my favourite musical to date) kicked the ass of Grease big time.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Sunday Bloody Sunday

This has nothing to do with the song...

It 2.30 pm on a Sunday of a long weekend and I'm stuck here in the office. Been here since 10am this morning with no indication of estimated time of leaving. To make the situation even more uncomfortable, there is no airconditioning in the office today because nobody bothered telling the maintanence people on Thursday.

Anyway, last week I finally started what I have been meaning to start 14 months ago, a blog for my daughter Alyssa. So, there will be no more photos of Aly on this blog as I have started a journal for her. For those interested the url is

I guess its back to work now, waiting for the CEO to come at 3pm.

Damn!! my fingers are starting to itch. I hope there was nothing I'm alergic to in the Domino's we ordered for lunch... maybe i'm just alergic to working on Sundays...

Monday, May 08, 2006

Another Posting

Wow... I just realised that I haven't updated this blog for the past 2 weeks. I have been so busy its not funny anymore. At least I got the weekend off to spend time with the family, friends and play some tennis. I made sure I did all I wanted to do thid weekend because this is going to be a long long week...

When the rest of you are taking a nice long weekend this coming weekend, I expect I will be in the office in preperation for a presentation to the Government on the 15th.

Anyway, I took Alyssa to the park (Lake Garden) to play for the first time and she truly enjoyed the swings. She actually stayed in the swings for over an hour. Everytime you'd try to take her off you'd get a sharp "NO!" as a reply.. and yes.. she still barely has any hair..

Till my next posting... Adios..