Friday, February 24, 2006

Tammy oh Tammy...

Tammy is the 17 year old girl in Singapore that recorded a 10 minute sex act on her mobile phone. The act included anal sex. Anal sex is illegal in Singapore and has quite serious penalties. Funny law for such an ‘anal’ country. hehehe

Anyway, according to reports, the video was ‘stolen’ from her mobile phone by a ‘rival’ cheerleader. When I was growing up rival cheerleaders just had catfights and bitched about each other. How times have changed. Wonder how’s it going to be like by the time my daughter is a teenager. (Note to self – always be in the know about the latest technology)

I can only imagine how wonderful life would have been if I had a videophone when I was growing up. I would have had so much fun. I could be a major Hollywood producer by now or I could be locked up in a jail cell somewhere for producing and distributing prohibited video content. Nevertheless, if I could turn back time to include mobile technology when I was growing up, I’d probably not. Life was so much more less complicated, friends were more punctual to meet up (no way to call anyone once they had left their home) and we actually remembered phone numbers..

Well, enough of that… time to continue searching for Tammy’s video in the Net.

‘Have a Good Weekend!!!’

p/s: anyone with Tammy's video please tell me...