Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Return from LOS

The fact of the matter is that I returned from Thailand last weekend but being still in holiday mode it took me a week to write this entry.

As usual, Thailand never disappoints. Great food, great service and some decent shopping. A highlight of the trip was Ally’s first time on the beach. I also played golf and did my usual tailoring. Where else can you tailor ten double cuffs working shirts at RM50 each.

Anyway, as I am still in relax mode (will probably be until next year) this will be a short posting. I have posted a few pictures form the Phuket trip.

Family Holiday Photo

(Wife, Ally, Me and the Stroller)

Ally in the van from the Airport to our Apartment

View of the marina where we stayed in Boat Lagoon, Phuket