Thursday, November 10, 2005

Final Day at Work

Today is my final day at RHB Bank. It’s funny how you can get attached to some places and not to others. Somehow I feel that if the core of the people remain at this institution, my relationship with it will also be strong. This is because I have made some really good friends here.

So, as I spend my final few hours here I can confidently say that I leave this place without any enemies and some good friends. What else can you ask for from 18 months but its time I close another chapter in my sometimes volatile career.

Monday starts a new challenge, a new career path. Something I know I can do, probably really well too but the scope is out of my comfort zone i.e. Banking. Nevertheless, challenges is what I strive for, without the challenge I get bored and start bitching. Lets just hope there will be no bitching about my new job on this blog for a while.