Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Blogs In The News

In the past 2 days there has been 2 reports of local Malaysian Blogs making the newspapers. Both these blogs made the papers because of the content they were providing. (the media have also provided these blogs free ‘advertising’ and have increased their hits tremendously.

The first one I read was about this dude called Man Motor. The blog was mostly about his sexual escapades and sex tricks. It is written in Malay and has attracted over 50,000 hits. I checked out the blog but didn't think it was great. Mainly because the blog itself wasnt structured properly. Nevertheless, if you are interested in the life of a Malay dude chasing after bohsia's, this could interest you.

The second is a 24-year old systems engineer in Kuching. His was all about drugs. How to get it, use it, prices for it, etc. The police is actually making a case against the blogger based on complaints that said that such a blog was defying the Malaysian Laws. I haven't found this blog yet as The Star wasn't very informative on the blog title or blogger.

Now, since my knowledge in ICT law in minimal at the most, it would be appreciated if anyone out there can clarify whether these people are actually defying Malaysian law or not. Can they be charged i found?