Thursday, October 13, 2005

Call Me "Bruce"

I usually don’t dream when I sleep but during this fasting month I have been dreaming quite regularly. I guess its because my deep sleep (REM) is disturbed for Sahur. I have also been able to remember these dreams vividly, something not common to me. Again I believe this is because I never had a dream to remember to begin with.

Anyway, last night I dreamt that I was some sort of ‘Protector Against Racists’. I was walking through a city similar to L.A. or Sydney and around corners were people screaming racists abuse towards the minority that were walking the streets. What I did was go to these racists and beat them up. Bruce Lee style. I was kicking Ass big time. Funny I did that because I’m one of the least likely people to be in a fight.

A couple of nights ago a dreamt that I woke up bald. I only had hair on the sides and the back of my head. I could see myself in the mirror and I remembered thinking to myself. “I’ve got to go shave the sides off, there’s no way I’m walking around with a ‘comb-over’ hairstyle”. Does that mean I’m going to get bald?

I reckon I should start documenting these dreams and see if there’s any resemblance of it when I’m awake.

At least for now I still have hair.