Thursday, September 01, 2005

Exams Anyone?

This Saturday I’m sitting to be a Certified Credit Professional in Business. Actually, I’m sitting for the first 2 papers. I have done minimal studying.

I’m trying to pull off what I did through High School and University. I used to be one of those at school that liked to take exams (weird but true). I breezed pretty much through both with minimal studying. In High School I was a top 10 student just by sitting examinations. At Uni I went to classes for 14 hours whilst I worked 40 hours a week as a prep chef. I still graduated. The last exams I TRIED was the CFA. Didn't study, so I failed miserably. I just hope my 30-something brain can still deliver as the CCP is much-much easier than the CFA.

Now, where did I put that study manual?